Please see this PDF for instructions on how to perform the duties of the shot clock operator:
Team managers of U12 and higher are responsible for ensuring shot clocks are available for your team’s games. If your team is the first game of the day, in some rinks you will need to setup the shot clocks. Similarly if your team is playing in the last game of the day, you may need to take them down and store them. See rink specific instructions below.
Nelson and Mainway
Shot clocks are permanently installed. If you are first game of the day, you can find the remote at the customer service desk. If you are the last game for the day, return the remote to the customer service desk. Do not leave the remote in the scorekeeper’s box as the cold will drain the batteries.
During the annual BLAST Tournament the shotclocks are installed by the RAB committee members for the duration of the tournament.
For games that are scheduled outside of the tournament, shotclocks will have to hung by the home team. Shot clocks are stored in a large suitcase in the RAB equipment storage locker. The use of a step ladder will be needed. Contact the RAB equipment manager in advance to coordinate access to the locker and setup instructions.
Once setup, take the remote to one of the penalty boxes and test the clocks prior to the start of the game to ensure they both work.
At the conclusion of the game if your game is the last to be played that day, take the shotclocks down. Place them in the suitcase along with the remote and return them to the storage locker . If another game will use them following your game, provide the shot clock remote to the coach or manager of the home team.